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Transformers Masterpiece DiaBurnout

Transformers Masterpiece DiaBurnout

Posted on 22 May 2023

It's amazing the difference a few small changes can make.

Transformers Masterpiece MP53 Skids was a frustrating toy. For many, it was a return to form for Takara, taking the best of the toy and fusing it with the cartoon aesthetic, but in my estimation it was a weaker version of both designs - XTB's Savant was a far superior version of the cartoon/comic model, with more accurate arms, head and overall boxy shape that poses beautifully. Only the duck-feet really let that figure down, and it's still the Skids I have on display. Takara, in taking the lighter colour scheme, "sort-of" cartoon head and lanky toy proportions created a detailed but inferior toy for my tastes.

The toy look needs the sharp head-sculpt of the original, the silver thighs to break up that sea of blue, details that made the vintage release such an absolute favourite of mine growing up. The tallest Autobot car was also the smallest in vehicle mode, with a sort of concertina-style transformation that almost defied physics, cast in a beautiful shade of inky blue that just hits you right between the eyes.

In truth, Takara failed to nail what made the original so special, which is even more of a shame considering that the designer employed for the updated version also worked on the original, in fact overseeing most of the original line, Kōjin Ōno. It wasn't bad by any means, with lots of detail, a great transformation and superior articulation, but it never - at least to me - felt like Skids.

Diaburnout & SkidsDiaburnout and Skids. Subtle changes make all the difference.

MP53 had two other diaclone coloured releases, silver (Crosscut) and red (Reboost), but neither evoked any nostalgia for me, and while toy-accurate, the new head-sculpts were updates from Crosscut (simpler and with a mouthguard), not the stoic visage I fell in love with as an 11 year old when I found him in Italy, complete with strangely rubberised missiles and the little motocompo folding bike that went in the boot.

And then Takara released Diaburnout, the Diaclone black variant with *that* headsculpt, perfectly recreated in Masterpiece form. The metallic paintwork with high-gloss finish is just insanely gorgeous, and the extra painted details just light up against the black body. The deco was also updated with silver thighs, painted details in the lower legs (where the toy had stickers), all of the weapons found on the original toy (though sadly unpainted), the little motorbike and even a hologram version of Carly, a nod to the Diaclone being a non-sentient mecha with a female pilot called Dia.

Takara DiaburnoutDiaburnout and her hologram "pilot", a transluscent Carly from the MP44 (Optimus Prime) release

Okay, it's not dark blue, but literally every other aesthetic choice swings the figure firmly into "toy" territory, and is all the better for it. This design just doesn't work as a cartoon version - hell, the mainline Skids nails that perfectly, especially with a weapons upgrade pack - but give the figure all the toy pieces it needs, and it just sings. Honestly I've been carrying it around the house like a lovesick pre-teen, it's just too gorgeous not to have within reach.

It's also worth noting that Diaburnout is a female character - not that the face-sculpt looks even remotely feminine, but if you're a Transformers fembot collector, this should be on your radar. For this, I would have actually liked the features softened just slightly, in the same way that Tracks' red variant, Road Rage, was handled. But it's a small detail and to me it's just Skids but in a cool new black deco. 

Finally, the toy updated as it should be!

However you choose to see the character, there's no doubt in my mind that this is easily the best version of the figure released to date, the only way to top it being a true G1 toy blue with this head and all the sticker detail painted in. But should that fail to transpire, then that's okay. This is the Skids figure I always wanted. It's a shoe-in for my favourite MP of 2023, a deco I had no intention of getting until I saw it unveiled, and then it was an instant purchase.

Yes, I'm hoping against hope that Takara release that toy deco that I know others in the fandom crave, but that won't diminish my love of this figure even if it lands - this is the first toy of the character that has managed to scratch the nostalgia itch and made me feel 11 again. Bravo Takara, and to Kōjin Ōno, my apologies for ever doubting you.

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