BEASTARS live on Netflix

BEASTARS live on Netflix

Posted on 13 Mar 2020

Netflix UK is now streaming Beastars, an anime set in a world where herbivores and carnivores live in harmony... until an attack causes ruptures in the uneasy social fabric.

So Zootopia the anime then.

Animated by studio Orange (Land of the Lustrous), the series is available to watch both dubbed and subbed. 

Acquired by Netflix as part of their deal to air the titles in the +ULTRA block in Japan, which allowed them to showcase Carole & Tuesday, Revisions and INGRESS, we'll likely be getting the second season of BEASTARS along with BNA: Brand New Animal, Great Pretender and Drifting Dragons down the line too.

With an opening theme by ALI and closing credits by YURiKA, the production values are high.

Look forward to a review soon.


In a world where beasts of all kinds coexist, a gentle wolf awakens to his own predatory urges as his school deals with a murder within its midst.
