Live action Gundam film reshuffle - new director while Netflix are out

Live action Gundam film reshuffle - new director while Netflix are out

Posted on 01 Nov 2024

According to a piece in Deadline, the live action Gundam film in development from Legendary has shifted gears once again after a long line of changes, with Netflix now out of the picture and director Jordan Vogt-Roberts now replaced by Sweet Tooth's Jim Mickle.

The film is due to start filming in early 2025, co-produced between Legendary and Namco Bandai Filmworks. Mickle is now slated to produce as well, alongside his partner Linda Moran.

Mickle's work has been a critical hit, with Sweet Tooth, Cold in July and Hap & Leonard all achieving widespread acclaim. Legendary for their part has done great work with big things on a screen, with their Godzilla/Kong films being a lot of fun and exceptionally good at bringing hefty monsters to the screen, with Pacific Rim proving they have the chops for robots too.

Hopefully the creative team is now set so that production can finally begin.